Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Have you seen the machine at work?


I remember some years ago when there was all the craze
about the "new economy" and how people were building
fake business just because they had to be online (included
major companies). They were wasting millions of dollars just
to have their "e-business".

People just thought that because there was a new distribution
channel emerging in the "traditional economy" that it might
necessarily leads to new "economy". Of course they were wrong.

Internet is just an additional channel. Nothing is different than
in the offline world (in terms of market's rules and economy factors)

It's another way to s ell products : of course those can be digital
products and these "new" products fit really well with this new
distribution channel as it's an automatic distribution channel.

The point is that you always need a product, a vendor, a
prospect, a comunication, a price... (sometime the product will be
information, sometimes it will be solution, sometimes it will be
less tangible, and will just be an advertising space or a share of

Economy is not simple and requires some testings and understanding.
Internet is really strong as it allows anyone to be take part of it:
it's easy to open a website, register a domain. It's not easy to open
a "pizzeria".

When you start online, you are free to test, to fail and then to
But, learning is no an option. I strongly recommend you spend
a lot of time on forum, reading f.ree resources to learn all you can.

In this frame, you should also read the new ebook on internet
business model from John *Turbo* Delavera.

Download Turbo Money Machine now!

It's a 81 page ebook, the Manual for John Delavera's
Turbo M0ney Machine. In my opinion, it's easily worth
$197 as-is.

Best regards

Amar Mehta
P.S. John is going to release his MEGA package in some
days. As you can see he has made possible to depict the
whole process of selling online to a "Machine." Study this
ebook and you are in business.

P.P.S. You can follow a link inside the ebook and
imitate a sales' process through John's Machine.
YES! You can CONTROL the Machine too.
I told you it's amazing...

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Blogger Kiran Paranjape said...

I tried to visit your site but there appears to be some problem with it. Please advise.

5:59 AM  

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